
Accessing BIMSearch with an ACC trial

BIMSearch is integrated with Autodesk BIM 360 and Autodesk Construction Cloud (ACC).

If you already use one of these platforms, this means that you can access your projects easily and you do not have to worry about regularly updating 3rd party cloud or storage.

However, if you do not have an Autodesk BIM 360 or ACC account, you can still try out BIMSearch, using an ACC trial.

Sign up for an ACC trial

Autodesk offers 30 day free trials for ACC. For BIMSearch, you only need Autodesk Docs, which you can sign up for here.

Once you have signed up for the trial, you need to request permission to access apps.

Apps permissions

Send an email to with the following information:

    1. BIM 360 Account name – the email address you used to create the account
    2. BIM 360 Account ID – the account ID generated when you created the account. 
    3. BIM 360 account admin email address – the email address for the account admin (if you created the account, this would be the same as the email in part 1)


Once you have sent the email, you will then receive a reply confirming that apps have been enabled for your trial. 


– There are two ways to find the Account ID, both are explained below.
– Here is a draft email: just add your details and send!



Subject: Activating apps for a trial


Hi, I’d like to activate apps for my ACC trial. Email: ; Account ID: xxxx

<your name>


Find Account ID

There are two ways to find your Account ID.

  1. Log in to your account and click the “Account Admin” cog in the top left corner of the screen.
  2. Click on the “settings” tab. In the bottom left hand corner you will find your Account ID.

  1. On the project list page, select the Account Admin button.
  2. Select “Settings”. The “Account Settings” window will open. Under “advanced” you will see the Account ID.

Connect to BIMSearch!

Once you have apps enabled, follow the steps in the post “Access your projects – hub integration” and you will be ready to go. Just open BIMSearch in the browser and get going.  

Further support

If you need support with any of this process, please contact us at We can email or arrange a call and do it with you.

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