
BIM data to Excel export

Once you have completed your report, you can export the BIM data to an Excel Spreadsheet with ease! Just download the report and it and it will open in Excel.

Download the report

If you have rows selected, then the BIM data Excel spreadsheet report will feature only these rows. Similarly, if you have searched within the report, only the rows relevant to the search will feature in the report.

Open in Excel

Once opened in Excel, you will see the BIM data with selected rows and the image from the BIM viewer. Please note: the totals line will only be visible when you enable editing on the document.

The image of the BIM model from the viewer will feature at the bottom of the report.

Customized Excel file name

When search results are saved using BIMSearch Premium and the report is downloaded to Excel, the title of the report will be the title of your saved selection set folder and then the selection set name.

This makes it even easier to organize files. Simply open the saved selection set, select the desired elements to download for the report (if you don’t select any, all of them will be downloaded) and press “report for selection”.

The title of the Excel file will be [folder name] – [selection set name]. For example, in the image below the report is the CON walls GL selection set from the Concrete folder.

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